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Our Values

MISSION: Working together to promote a community that embraces inclusion, respect, equity, and support for the human dignity of all persons.

VISION: A committee organization representing rural counties within North East/Central Pennsylvania to help uplift and support historically marginalized people. We will act as a voice for local community members in solidarity to injustices and inequalities. We will be a leading group in advocacy, education, collaboration, support, and networking for those in the counties we serve.



We are dedicated to helping provide inclusive, safe, and welcoming spaces to cultivate and facilitate the exceptional resources and experiences that meet the needs of our community members.


We are responsible for upholding others to respect all people and understanding the diversity of their lived experiences. We seek to understand the needs of our community, approaching each conversation with thoughtfulness to allow others to feel appreciation and authenticity.


We are driven to help support and advocate for those in need by engaging in dynamic conversations and exchange of information that offers value and celebrates those within our community.

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